PAEDS Small Talk
Being a parent is a juggle. But what about when your child has an illness, injury or disability? Grace & Sarah are mothers and paediatric nurses in this podcast we chat with parents, carers and health professionals to shine a light on the many families that also manage hospital admissions, specialist appointments, waiting for diagnosis and navigating a world that might not be as set up for their family. We want to know what life is like for them, and understand how we can support them.
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PAEDS Small Talk
Piper Butcher - Born to sing, a journey with cleft palate
In this episode of PAEDS Small Talk, Grace interviews 19-year-old singer Piper Butcher about her journey with a cleft palate, her advocacy role with Operation Smile, and her music career.
Despite a start in life which involved multiple oral surgeries to repair a cleft palate Piper has gone on to become an amazing vocalist and 2023 contestant on Australian Idol. She shares how she has overcome these challenges and emerged stronger on the other side.
They also discuss the health system, overcoming challenges, and the importance of effective communication in healthcare for young patients.
Piper has an incredible singing voice, have a listen to her beautiful vocals here
Charities mentioned in this episode include Operation Smile and Variety Australia
This is our final episode for this season. Listen to our previous episodes or check us out at www.paedseducation.com.au
visit our website at www.paedseducation.com.au