PAEDS Small Talk

Nat C - Navigating CP from Childhood to Adulthood

PAEDS Grace & Sarah Season 2 Episode 1

Turning 18 and becoming an adult is a big deal in anyones life.

In the health system when you have a disability, illness or complex medical condition you move from paediatric centric care to adult care at around this time. This means that not only the model of care changes but the person is now potentially more responsible for their own health decisions than they were before.

In this episode we chat with Nat who has cerebral palsy how can we better support individuals and families to move from paediatric to adult models of care. We also listen to Nat reflect on her memories as a child growing up with a disability.

This episode does discuss the misuse of benzodiazepines, and we direct you to reconnexion if you would like further information regarding benzodiazepine dependence, withdrawal, anxiety, insomnia or depression

A shout out to the Cerebral Palsy Support Network a Not For Profit disability service provider in Victoria.

visit our website at

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