PAEDS Small Talk
Being a parent is a juggle. But what about when your child has an illness, injury or disability? Grace & Sarah are mothers and paediatric nurses in this podcast we chat with parents, carers and health professionals to shine a light on the many families that also manage hospital admissions, specialist appointments, waiting for diagnosis and navigating a world that might not be as set up for their family. We want to know what life is like for them, and understand how we can support them.
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PAEDS Small Talk
Mim - Part Two- NICU a second time around and balancing life with two children post NICU
We are back for part two with our chat with Mim!
In this episode, Mim discusses her second pregnancy and birth which was a little earlier than her first. Although she had some experience of prematurity the first time around and knew a little of what to expect from a NICU admission, Covid struck! Being a parent to a sick child in NICU, while your husband and other child are a few hours away, with Covid restrictions thrown in the mix, its not easy that's for sure.
Little Griffin (and we mean little!) had a bit of a complicated journey home, and Mim and her husband found themselves back and forth a few times having conversations about end of life care. But Griffin has surpassed all odds and lives at home now with the support of a loving care team that help Mim and her family navigate life with a child ventilated full time via a tracheostomy.
But the best part is hearing about Griffin and his brother Spencers beautiful sibling relationship, the unique and amazing individuals they are, and how Mim, her family and their support team plan to help this dynamic duo continue to have their zest for life and help them take on the world.
Shout out again to the fantastic Heart Felt Photography
visit our website at www.paedseducation.com.au