PAEDS Small Talk
Being a parent is a juggle. But what about when your child has an illness, injury or disability? Grace & Sarah are mothers and paediatric nurses in this podcast we chat with parents, carers and health professionals to shine a light on the many families that also manage hospital admissions, specialist appointments, waiting for diagnosis and navigating a world that might not be as set up for their family. We want to know what life is like for them, and understand how we can support them.
Email: contact@paeds.education
Website: www.paedseducation.com.au
Instagram: @paeds_firstaid
PAEDS Small Talk
Mim - Part One - An experience in NICU, and how to hold space for grief
Mim had quite a long journey to parenthood, with struggles with infertility. When she and her husband finally did welcome their first born into the world it was a bit earlier than they had planned at 27 weeks gestation. She discusses the experience of being a first time Mum to a new baby in the NICU and brings with it her insights as being a nurse herself. This is such a unique episode with some important discussions around how we hold space for grief and feelings when things are tough. This is part one of two episodes.
This episode we shout out to Heartfelt Photography a volunteer organisation of photographers that give the gift of special memories to families who have experienced still birth or have children with serious life threatening illness.
Some resources for parents with babies in the NICU or Special Care and for pregnancy loss;
Miracle Babies
Lifes Little Treasures
The Pink Elephants Support Network
visit our website at www.paedseducation.com.au