PAEDS Small Talk

Melanie - Writing your own story, becoming an advocate for parents of children with a disability

PAEDS Grace & Sarah Season 1 Episode 5

Melanine Dimmitt is a writer, author, editor and broadcaster. She is also a mother of two young children, one of whom has a profound medical disability and one she describes as "medically boring".

She has interviewed some of Australian royalty and written for well know publications such as The Age, Sydney Morning Herald and MamaMia, and when her son Arlo was diagnosed with cerebral palsy she used her skills in journalism to create a beautiful book 'The Special Book' showcasing the range of experiences children with disabilities and their families have.

Mel speaks about how her son has taught her to be present, engaged and mindful as a mother, she is also a great advocate for people who use tube feeding and aims to switch that narrative from a perception that all tube fed people are terminally ill and have no quality of life.

Mel is an inspiration and will inject a dose of optimism and hope into your journey of parenthood and reminds us as health professionals that there is no harm in leaving families and children with room for hope.

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